S.I. No. 520/2023 European Union (in - Building Physical infrastructure for High - Speed Electronic Communications) Regulations 2023
The Requirement: https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2023/si/520/made/en/print
Regulation 3 (1) Where a notice is submitted on or after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations for:
(a) a building which is to be newly constructed, or
(b) a building on which major renovation works are to be carried out, including where elements of a building referred to in subparagraph (a) or (b) are under joint ownership, works shall be carried out in such a way so as to ensure that a building is equipped with a high-speed-ready in-building physical infrastructure up to a network termination point
(2) Where a notice is submitted on or after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations for:
(a) a multi-dwelling building which is to be newly constructed, or
(b) a multi-dwelling building on which major renovation works are to be carried out,
works shall be carried out in such a manner so as to ensure that the building is equipped, in addition to the high-
speed ready in-building physical infrastructure up to the network termination point, with an access point .
Where a commencement notice has been submitted on or after 25th October 2023 for buildings or works referred to in Regulation 3, the buildings must be provided with infrastructure in the building that will enable Network providers to install cabling, with minimal disruption to the fabric of the building, from an access point to the end users termination point.
Technical Guidance where works are carried out in accordance with the guidance in this document, this will, prima facie, indicate compliance with the European Union (In-Building Physical Infrastructure for High-Speed Electronic Communications) Regulations 2023.